Eliza Mathew
Assistant Director of Housing and Community Development
(919) 668-1033
Eliza is the Assistant Director for Housing and Community Development within the Duke-Durham Neighborhood Partnership. In this role, Eliza collaborates with Duke and community partners to work towards shared understanding and strategic thinking to develop people-centered systems and solutions addressing affordable housing and its connectivity to other social determinants of health. Eliza coordinates the Affordable Housing Council, leads the emerging Affordable Housing Network, manages the Duke Homebuyers Club, and serves as a connector and strategist to empower community self-determination within collective community development.
Eliza serves as Chair in Duke’s seat on Durham’s Homeless Services Advisory Committee (HSAC). There, she leads the decision-making body for Durham’s Continuum of Care which seeks to prevent, reduce and end homelessness through effective and coordinated community-wide efforts and services.
Eliza is also a proud Durham Public Schools (DPS) alum. Roll Pirates Roll! She went on to graduate from Elon University with a degree in Elementary Education and taught in DPS for several years before joining DCA. As a double DPSer, Eliza can point to formative experiences that ground her values around connection and engagement. She serves on the DPS Foundation board as an opportunity to continue intertwining her thread into this DPS legacy.