Community-Engaged Scholarship Collaborative Events

Spring 2024 events

Lunch & Learn: Raíces, Rutas y Ritmos: Listening, Embodying, and Amplifying Hispanic/Latino Culture Via Civic Engagement

Monday, February 5, 12 – 1:15 p.m. on Zoom


For nearly half a century, Latino/a/x communities across North Carolina have played an important role in reshaping the local and regional cultural footprint. However, the creative contributions of Latino/a/x people are often overlooked in narratives of migration and labor in the United States. Raíces, Rutas, and Ritmos aim to show that in North Carolina, music is central to how these communities maintain relationships with their places of origin, navigate shifting social circumstances, and cultivate new ideas of home and belonging. The stories and voices present had enriched Duke Students, who were able to interview musicians/migrants and listen to their music, amplifying cultural traits and migration stories. Register here.

Lunch & Learn: Surviving the Anthropocene by Growing Communities one Seed at a Time with Catawba Trail Farms

Monday, February 19, 12 – 1:15 p.m. on Zoom


The Earth and Climate Science (ECS) 210 class, “Exploring Earth Sciences: Surviving the Anthropocene in North Carolina” looks at global change through the lens of different natural resources in our state, including soil and agriculture in the context of environmental justice and food security. The Catawba Trail Farm’s (CTF) mission to ensure our community has access to fresh food and open spaces is right in line with the class goals. Dr. Brian McAdoo has partnered with CTF to learn about the historical loss of Black farms and the impact on food insecure communities and has used state-of-the-art geophysical survey equipment to locate the unmarked graves of Enslaved people who worked the land in the 18th century. The projects have been mutually beneficial in that the students deliver a report to CTF based on their findings. Register here.

Fall 2023 events

Lunch & Learn: Making Environmental Injustice Legible: Community-Academic Partnerships for Knowledge Co-Production and Action on the Health Impacts of Subsistence Fish Consumption from the Lower Cape Fear River

Thursday, November 9, 12 – 1:15 p.m. on Zoom


The lower Cape Fear River in southeastern North Carolina is classified as a highly polluted waterway. A coalition of community organizations concerned about the potential health impacts of the many people eating wild caught fish from the river based on need and cultural practice partnered with researchers from the Duke University Superfund Research Center to document and shine light on this environmental justice issue. This Lunch and Learn session brings together community leader, Ms. Veronica Carter, with Duke researcher, Dr. Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza, to discuss the roles the community versus the academy played in this research, the resulting action and practice, from outreach campaign to policy change, and the challenges, strength and power of these types of partnerships. Register here.

The events we host.

The Community-Engaged Scholarship Collaborative holds events during the academic year to engage participants in special topics related to the expansive work of university-community initiatives. Events are open to all.

Annually, we strive to provide:

  • Engaged Scholars Lunch and Learn Sessions: A series of 4 offerings (2 fall, 2 spring) highlighting the work of advanced community engaged scholars and community partners. These sessions highlight partnerships, scholarship and critical lessons learned along the way.
  • Workshops on Engaged Scholarship: A series of 4 offerings (2 fall, 2 spring) throughout the school year, developed and provided in partnership with other units on campus providing support to community-engaged scholarship.
  • Engaged Scholarship Symposium: This annual event brings together those involved in community-engaged scholarship through the fellowship program and project funding streams. Sessions are led by Duke engaged scholars and community partners. The symposium serves as both an opportunity for cross-learning among project teams and a showcase of engaged scholarship at Duke and in the community.

Discover Community-Engaged Scholarship at Duke.

Browse through the recording of our Spring 2022 symposium.

Letter coming out of envelope

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