AmeriCorps programs are back in-person after two years of remote engagement
Duke’s AmeriCorps-funded early childhood and K-12 tutoring programs will be in-person during the 2022-2023 school year after two years of remote engagement due to the pandemic. The programs include Jumpstart PreK tutoring, American Reads, and America Counts school-based tutoring. Duke College Advising Corps, a high school counseling program returned to in-person last year. Learn more about each program below or visit their program page for details.
Duke Jumpstart

Duke partners with the national early education organization, Jumpstart, to deliver Jumpstart’s evidence based early literacy curriculum to low income PreK students throughout Durham. Jumpstart is part of the AmeriCorps national network of service. Studies have shown that reading comprehension, and importantly, enjoyment and satisfaction from reading, at the PreK level, is a foundational building block for child development. And implementing in person reading programs and other one on one, in classroom, educational interventions is how Duke’s Jumpstart program best prepares young learners for future success in Kindergarten classrooms and beyond. This fall, Duke Jumpstart cohort members will serve in local classrooms at least 3 times per week over the course of the academic year. These members deliver meaningful educational experiences in the form of Jumpstart sessions to a diverse community of young learners. We could not be more thrilled, and we continue to interview qualified and interested Duke community members who’ll help us deliver this valuable community program while earning a good hourly wage.
America Reads, America Counts

Duke’s America Reads/America Counts program focuses on the enhancement and enrichment of literacy and math skills of children in Durham. Duke University students who seek to serve youth educational programming apply for the America Reads/America Counts (ARAC) program as either a paid or volunteer tutor. Our ARAC tutors support classroom instruction for at least four hours a week by working with individual and/or small groups of school-aged children in reading, writing, and math. The ARAC program partners with Durham Public Schools, local non-profit organizations, and afterschool programs to help with student growth and development throughout the academic year. The preparation for the ARAC program begins in the summer as Duke students are hired as tutors and continue throughout the semester. ARAC begins the academic year with an Orientation event that provides Duke tutors with workshops related to literacy and math concepts, social/emotional support for children, engagement, and racial equity. The Duke tutors are provided with training, service, and professional development to provide opportunities for supplemental classroom and personal growth and achievement. The America Reads/America Counts tutoring program will begin tutoring in-person with site partners in September 2022. If you would like to know more about the America Reads/America Counts program, please feel free to contact Domoniqúe Redmond.
College Advising Corps

College Advising Corps at Duke University works to increase the number of low-income, first-generation college, and underrepresented high school students who enter and complete higher education. Even many of the highest-achieving disadvantaged students — young men and women who are well qualified to continue their education beyond high school — do not consider attending a four-year college, and many who say they plan to apply, never do. The national student-to-guidance-counselor ratio of 467:1 means that the average student spends 20 minutes per year talking to his or her counselor. Moreover, low-income and first-generation students are particularly underserved, with many never seeing a college adviser. Every year, Duke Advising Corps members help hundreds of high school seniors make critical decisions about their post-secondary plans. On July 22nd DukeCAC launched its eight program year and started training activities for new Advising Corps Members. Advisers participate in intensive training in July, to ensure they have the necessary technical knowledge and soft skills to be successful as an adviser. By the end of training Advisers will be able to demonstrate knowledge of NC college pathways, timelines and activities. As well as strategies to implement high impact college access program in collaboration with school-based partners. In August Advisers will report to area high schools ready to serve on-site in person five days a week during school hours. If you are interested in learning more about DukeCAC please contact Desmond Gatling (