On December 9, 2019 at Lyon Park Community Center, approximately 75 Durham community members and leaders met to discuss and think critically about Duke’s partnerships in affordable housing availability in Durham. Participants gathered for small-group round table discussions around three questions. In these discussions, several themes emerged.
What has gone well in Duke’s partnership to address housing?
- Investments in loan-making and land-banking
- Positive partnerships with existing projects
- Supporting financial literacy
What could improve in partnership to address housing?
- Improving minimum wage
- Preventing gentrification
- Improving public transportation
- Expanding affordable housing geographically
- Increasing public policy research
- Addressing health system and homelessness
- Remaining in place for existing residents
What new ideas are there for Duke to partner in housing in the future?
- Improve transparency
- Adding student and staff housing
- Exploring Duke-owned land
An executive summary of the event is available here.
This community conversation occurred prior to the COVID-19 crisis and its impacts on affordable housing. The conversation continues through Duke’s Affordable Housing Strategy Task Force.