David Stein
Senior Education Partnership Coordinator
David works closely with school officials and staff at eight partner schools to develop strategies and mobilize Duke educational technology resources to address their needs. He runs the PepsicCo-endowed, Duke EdTech Fellows Program with Duke students to develop AI, augmented reality and other projects with and for the public schools. David also directs initiatives such as Schools Days for first gen Durham 8th graders and the John Hope Franklin Young Scholars Program that helps encourage middle school students to explore hidden history.
David came to Duke in 2000 after serving for nine years as the community liaison for the N.C. School of Science and Mathematics. He scouted and marketed inventions for Harvard University for six years and, before that, was a community planner in Newark and San Francisco.
David is a licensed secondary social studies teacher with a degree from Antioch College and attended graduate school in City Planning at the University of California at Berkeley.