Ann Kelly
Educator, Carteret County Public School System
Ann Kelly is an 8th Grade Science & Earth Environmental teacher at Newport Middle School in the Carteret County Public School System. For the past 17 years, she has worked as an educator whose teaching is rooted in fostering curiosity, building relationships, and engaging students through meaningful learning experiences. She is a 2024-2025 Kenan Fellow and a 2024 America 250 NC Teaching Fellow. Mrs. Kelly is an active leader within her school as a member of the School Improvement Team, Chairperson the Science Department, Beginning Teacher Coordinator, Keys to Literacy coach, and has twice been named Teacher of the Year at Newport Middle. She has been a part of Ready, Set, Resilience through Duke Marine Lab’s Community Science Initiative and NC State University’s Environmental Education Lab since 2023. Ann resides in the Down East community of Marshallberg with her husband, Ryan, and daughter, Cordelia. She spends her spare time outdoors, camping, hiking, paddling, and exploring.