Why I Give:
Fred Johnson

Why Give?

Why do people choose to contribute their time and resources to Duke Doing Good? The reasons are as varied as the schools, nonprofits and neighborhoods that benefit from these gifts.

Fred Johnson

Headshot of Fred Johnson
Fred Johnson,
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Vice Chief, Director of Clinical & Care Management Services, Duke Division of Community Health, Duke Community and Family Medicine;
Director of DUHS/Northern Piedmont Community Care

DG giving category: Health and United Way

Why do you give?
Giving back is embodied in my Catholic value system. I was raised Roman Catholic in East Baltimore; Looking after your fellow man and your community is ingrained in us and it’s what healthcare providers want to do! All the families of Durham are Duke families. We represent 93 percent of the healthcare market in Durham.

I chose United Way primarily because it has a constellation of programs engaging children, families, and disabled and aging adults. United Way has a long track record managing outcomes.

For the Health category, I oversee the management of the Duke-Lincoln community clinics (Holton-Walltown-Lyon Park) that receive Doing Good funds. The funds are used primarily to assist patients in purchasing medication and durable medical equipment (DME). We also use the funds to enhance patient stability post-discharge by paying for one month of apartment rent while patients were hospitalized so that they would not be evicted.

Serving vulnerable populations has been a part of our Duke Community and Family Medicine mission; giving to United Way is my personal contribution. I hear many stories of people going through hard times, and just a few dollars can make a big difference.

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